Image illustrative de House of Anubis
Image illustrative de House of Anubis

House of Anubis


Dans le pensionnat anglais Anubis, où vivent 9 étudiants, Joy disparait sans laisser de traces alors que la jeune américaine Nina arrive dans l’école. Patricia, qui doit maintenant partager sa chambre avec la nouvelle venue, pense que celle-ci à quelque chose à voir dans la disparition de sa meilleure amie.Bien ...

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Terminée Américaine 12 minutes
Enfants, Fantasy, Science-Fiction Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon 2011

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.04 - House of Dares

House of Dares

Victor rigs the attic door with a feather, and when Nina and Fabian sneak up to find some strange wax cylinders (during Mick and Amber's getting together party), Victor knows that someone has been up there. Mara talks to Patrica in the girls bathroom about her liking Mick, and unknowing to the two of them, Amber hears the whole thing - eventually being fed up. Amber blows up with jealousy over Mara and Mick's friendship and demands to change rooms, sharing with Nina instead of Mara. Fabian and Nina take the wax cylinders to Fabian's uncle Ade who runs an antique shop and find out about the phonograph cylinders. Fabian remembers seeing an old phonograph in the attic. They resolve to return to the attic if they want to play the cylinders. Patricia overhears Victor talking to the Sergeant from the police station about Joy, and realizes the police are also involved in the conspiracy surrounding Joy's disappearance and becomes afraid of everything.

Diffusion originale : 01 janvier 2011

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Diffusion française : 01 janvier 2011
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Angelo Abela
Scénariste.s : Diane Whitley
Guest.s : Francis Magee

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